The college has a high tech computer lab, and students are encouraged to use the same for study purposes. Students are to attend free basic computer classes conducted by the Institution. A student should remember while using a computer in the lab that another person also uses the same gadget. Therefore a fair use of the computer is expected from the users.

The following are the regulations laid for a better computer lab experience.
- Strict silence must be observed inside the computer lab
- Keep footwear outside the lab. Students must enter their name, class and signature with the date in the lab register before using the system.
- Switch off fans and lights when you leave the computer lab
- Food or drinks are not allowed in the computer lab
- Do not remove or disconnects parts, cables or labels
- Internet use is limited to teacher-assigned activities or classwork during lab hours.
- Personal internet use such as Facebook, chat rooms, instant messaging etc., is strictly prohibited.
- Do not download or install any programme game or music. Internet/intranet gaming activities are prohibited.
- Do not personalize the computer settings.
- CD-Roms thump drives or other multimedia equipment are for the study work
- Log off and leave the computer ready for the next person to use.
- Pick up your materials and place discarded files in a recycling container.
- For any hardware or software problems, don’t hesitate to contact the lab assistant. Do not try to repair the equipment yourself. If you encounter any issues, please inform the lab assistant.
- Using a personal USB, pen drive or other similar items is prohibited.
- Do not bring food or drinks into the lab.
- Do not edit, add, or delete material from the C: drive
- Do not change the default settings on applications or the workstation.
- Recreational use of computers during busy times is not permitted.
- Do abide by the College policies.
- Violation of any of the above rules may be cause for
- Ejection from the lab
- Suspension of computer privileges
- Monetary reimbursement for damages